| Desks | - Clean computer screens and dust keyboards.
- Recycle paper and empty bins.
- Vacuum floors around and under desks and tables.
- Clean the windows in offices.
- Disinfect the surfaces that people touch: phones, lamps, keyboards, fax machines, copiers, staplers, and more.
- Tidy desk area and arrange paperwork in neat piles.
- Dust desks, shelves, and other surfaces.
| Kitchen & Dining Area | - Clean utensils and wash dishes, and put them away.
- Empty bins and recycling.
- Clean the refrigerator and remove out-of-date food. Disinfect surfaces
- Clean the kettle, toaster & microwave
- Clean and disinfect surfaces people eat and prepare food on.
- Mop floors
| Reception Areas | - Dust the reception desk, hard surfaces, waiting room tables, and more.
- Empty reception and recycling bins.
- Organise books or magazines in a presentable order
- Remove any cups.
- Clean and dust windows, company signs, and other elements clients may see
- Disinfect surfaces, including light switches, lamps, phones, call buttons and bells, TV screens & remotes.
| Office Bathrooms | - Clean and disinfect the toilets.
- Clean and disinfect the sinks
- Sweep the floors and mop with disinfectant.
- Clean off hard surfaces, discard paper towels and other rubbish not in the recycling bin,
- Disinfect all hard surfaces.
- Replace empty toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls.
- Clean the mirror with a glass cleaner.
| Front Door & Outside Areas | - Sweep leaves, branches, or rubbish on the sidewalk or near the front door.
- Make sure welcome mats are cleaned off and in the right place.
- Clean glass doors and windows to make sure they are dirt and streak-free.
- Empty outdoor trashcans to avoid any smells or pests.
- Trim back branches or bushes that are overhanging.
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